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Damaso Caprioglio


(see the picture when he has been given the Honorary Citizenship)

Born in Colma di Rosignano Monferrato 72 years ago, Damaso Caprioglio graduated in Medicine in 1958 in Turin; then, he specialized in dentistry in Pavia (1960) and orthodontics in Cagliari in 1975.
He was also ordinary Assistant and a Professor of child dentistry in Pavia (from 1960 to the '70ies) and orthodontics in Modena (in the ‘90ies), and became a professor in Cagliari and then in orthodontics and gnatology in Parma, where he also played the role of Director of courses in interceptive orthodontics and pre / postsurgery. He has worked in various universities (Berlin, London, Boston, Zurich, Geneva and Copenhagen), as winner of several scholarships and prestigious awards (including the Oscar of success); he is a professor of ethics in Parma and a merited professor of the orthodontics of the Italian Association of Dentistry Teachers.
From '77 to date, he has occupied important roles: scientific director of the Children Dental centre of Milan (considered one of the most comprehensive dentistry, orthodontic and dental traumatology hospital for children), president of the Italian Society of child dentistry and dental traumatology and vice-president of the World Society of dental traumatology.


Caprioglio's house    -    Ugo and Damaso Caprioglio

Damaso Caprioglio is also a well-known medical scientific journalist: from 1990 to 2002, in fact, he has been editor of the magazine of Italian and European infant dental journal of paediatric dentistry, and he is director of the Series of orthodontics (Editions Martina) and the dental traumatology. Author of a dozen books specialised in orthodontics, dental traumatology, child dentistry, disorders of the joints temporo-mandibolari, agenesie, supernumerary teeth, prevention, aesthetics, orthodontics and maxillo-facial surgery (some translated into French and English), is co-author of Aesthetic in dentistry with R. Goldstein and has signed more than 200 publications on major scientific journals. Invited as speaker, he has attended numerous national and international meetings and has organized and directed numerous conferences in orthodontics, traumatology and child dentistry, including the VII World Congress on trauma (Florence, 1996). He has passed his great professional passion to his children: Alberto, Claudia and Maria Sole, all three specialists in the field of dentistry.

Not forgetting his commitment to social problems (Damaso Caprioglio has founded SOS Giovani, that works with Opera Don Calabria to offer solidarity with young people in Italy and abroad, see
http://www.sosgiovani.it/missione.htm) and his love for classical literature: Seneca, his favourite author, is a source of inspiration and support in his daily life.

Damaso Caprioglio often returns to his home country, because of the intense ties with his extended family, which he defines "patriarchal". He has kept intact the friendship bonds of his childhood. When he visits Colma, he attends the Sunday Mass in the chapel of St. Bartholomew, the one that his grandparents defended against the heirs of the ‘protomedico’ Cantamessa, donor of the Chapel to the ‘colmesi’, who didn’t respect his will and testament.

The deep bond with his roots and his friends is shown by the memory that he had of his friend Rino Fara, who recently passed away: a brief but intense funeral speech that he read during the funeral. The image given of his friend is also dedicated to many of his friends, and we’d like to think it as a tribute to the efforts of so many other ‘colmesi’ passed away like Rino: same anxieties, same efforts, same exhaustion, same strength to rise again when destiny had knocked them down to their knees.

Thank you Damaso for the affection towards your friends, the same deep affection of your esteemed and unforgettable father, Ugo.


Rosignano - 12 May 2007

Damaso Caprioglio is awarded of the

Honorary Citizenship of Rosignano Monferrato


This is the letter by Damaso Caprioglio, when he has been awarded

of the Honorary Citizenship of Rosignano Monferrato:

Damaso Caprioglio

Rosignano Monferrato, 11.05.2007

Proud of being ‘Monferrino’ and Citizen of Rosignano

Dear Mr. Mayor, Mrs. Deputy Mayor, Gentlemen of the City Council, Mr. Parish Priest, Dear Friends, I do not hide my deep emotion in receiving today the Honorary Citizenship of my native land.

Among the many awards and honours received, this represents the most significant and it gives me the utmost joy and satisfaction.
I’m touched by the words of the Mayor and the City Council: they are penetrated in the depths of my feelings. But I would like to say that of all the praises, certainly excessive on my career and on the contribution that modestly I’ve given to a branch of the medicine, what I most liked and appreciated is the praise received from my homeland, that I’ve always loved and respected. This is the most rewarding part of the award that I’ve received today.

If I could make a successful career, that has given me many satisfactions, I owe it largely to Rosignano and Monferrato.
I owe it to my parents, uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents and I want to include all the Rosignanesi of that time, with their example: they have been able to inculcate since the early age the respect for the family, for the people, the visceral love for our land, the ability to hope for the lush seasons and the grief for those poor of crop, the fruit of their sweat, hard work and sacrifices.

To all my ancestors and childhood friends, who have left us prematurely, I dedicate this award, and in particular to Giuseppina Falaguerra, Domenico Caminada, Luigi Caprioglio and Rino Fara.
The people of Rosignano have been able to teach me and appreciate the love for work, for effort, for the sacrifices; they have given me the values of honesty, sense of honour, loyalty, respect of promises, the sacredness of friendship, hospitality, give generously without seeking anything in return, helping each other as members of one community or a big family; they taught me to hope for a lucky event of a neighbour, share with him a difficult or painful moment.
That is why I wanted to invite my childhood friends and even some fellow conscripts in school; our friendship has grown and increased in these long 70 years. Friends with whom we have always been able to share joys and sorrows, succeeding stronger and stronger.

Then, I owe a second thanks to two major cultural institutions: the Collegio Salesiano San Carlo of Borgo San Martino and the Liceo Classico C. Balbo of Casale.
They were able to forge not only my culture and my basic education, but also to give me something priceless: love and passion for the study and the search for truth and knowledge, for the study of the classics and of Humanism, to grow, as the supreme poet Dante says "In virtue and knowledge."
Joy and passion for the study that have easily permeated all my life, in respect of those ethics principles earned in these two great schools.
Ethics of Life and Culture: being always myself, with one consistent faith, one single discipline, one single flag and one single ideal.
Ethics, also in religion: the principles received from the Salesians have helped me throughout my life, in hard times and difficulties, both material and psychological, with two major lessons: Prayer, that has helped me day after day and that I consider to be the first medicine of the human being, and Solidarity, that is being able to help not only the friend or the relative, but each person, even unknown, in difficulty. From Don Bosco I have learned that if you give one, then you get multiplied by one hundred.

That is why I wanted to have some close friends who have followed and helped me with these two great institutions: Don Dante, himself already an honorary citizen of this wonderful land of Rosignano, and Prof. Gianni Abbate and Dionigi Roggero, Professor and Principal of the Liceo Classico of Casale, the same school that in these days continues to donate his valuable contribution to the town of Rosignano with the translation of the statutes of the People Society of Rosignano.
The final thanks goes to the person who is most of all the ambassador of Rosignano in the entire world, and who has left his imperishable testimony of enchanting beauty, and poetry of our place: the painter Angelo Morbelli.

Sharing the joy and emotion of his paintings, and comparing them with the real landscape of Rosignano, we can cite the poet Seneca "from a small corner of the world, you can touch Heaven”.
The great philosopher Norberto Bobbio (from Alessandria) rightly says: "Only those who know their roots and regain or maintain them, can truly feel safe and refreshed and their roots can be found only where they were born and raised and especially in small villages."
The emblem of Rosignano, three roses in the blue background, reminds us, according to symbol heraldry, our values, that we must preserve and owe: blue means devotion, fidelity, justice, beauty, nobility and love of country, and red means love to God, nobility, courage, boldness and generosity.

This is our strength, dear friends, have strong deep secular roots that give us strength, courage, enthusiasm and joy; and we want to renew them for the benefit and usefulness of our children and grandchildren, because in young people is our continuity, as Pope John Paul II said "Young people are the salt of the earth and the sentinels of the down."

Let me conclude this speech by saying that I want to devote part of my time and my willingness to young people of Rosignano, through the municipality and its associations, to help them grow in their own land, increasing their cultural roots.
With the wine, fruit of our lush vines, I would like to raise our glasses to all of you Rosignanesi, who over many centuries have defended, and many giving their lives, the freedom of our land, with the hope that the Madonna dell'Assalto, continues to defend all our families from attacks that life today puts on our ways and to protect all of us and our beloved land.

Viva Rosignano, Viva Monferrato!!


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